MS Excel in Business intelligence
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By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to :

- Apply different types of MS Excel functions and applications that are needed to prepare spread sheets.                 

Target Group

-        All administrative, accountants, financials and secretariat employees.


-     Concepts and the basics of the Excel applications:

-     Tips and tricks.

-     Absolute and relative references .

-     R1C1 reference style.

-     Functions: ABS, If, Sum if, Round, Round Up, Round Down, And, If and, Or , If or , Match , Index, Index Match, Sum product, Int , Mod , Average If, If Error, aggregate.

-     VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, XLOOK and LOOKUP for Business/Finance/Accounting tasks.

-     Preparation of reports.

-     Conditional formatting formulas using Excel .

-     Manage rules in excel .

-     Data validation in Excel.

-     Combine values from multiple ranges into one new range.

-     Remove duplication.

-     Text to columns.

-     Using file manager, define name and create from selection in excel to prepare spread sheets .

-     Scenario analysis.

-     Goal seeking and back solving.

-     Using excel to prepare financial statements: Statement of financial position, Statement of comprehensive income and Statement of cash flows. 

-     Financial statements and ratios .

-     Excel and visual basic application (VBA) .

-     Recording Macros.

-     Excel functions in calculating depreciations: SLN, DB, DDB, SYD.

-     Break–even point in Excel .

-     Laying out the pivot table.

-     Modifying the pivot table.

-     Pivot table examples.

-     Grouping pivot table items.

-     Creating a calculated field or calculated item.

-     Referencing cells within a pivot table – GETPIVOTDATA.

-     Producing a report with a pivot table.

-     Pivot charts power.

-     Pivot power.

-     Query.

-     Loan amortization scheduled.

-     Practical exercises.

Type of Traning

Short Course

Training Activity Rate
Training activity Hours
Training activity Date
2/10/2023 - 5/10/2023
Training Activity Days
Mon- Tue- Wed- Thu
Start and End Time
16:30 - 20:00
Break Time
18:20 - 18:40
Training Activity Classification
Basic Skills
In class
Deadline for registration
Price For Jordanian
112 JOD
Price For Non Jordanian
280 US$

* Will be given discounts for groups