General Goal
Learning Objectives
- Get Comprehensive Knowledge
- Customer Onboarding and KYC.
- Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF).
- Advanced AML Investigations.
- International Sanctions and Embargoes.
- Regulatory Compliance Management.
- Develop your AML and Compliance Systems
- AML Risk Rating System.
- Transactions Monitoring System (TMS).
- Case Management and Investigations System.
- Name Screening and Sanctions Compliance System.
- Regulatory Compliance examination and reporting System.
- FATCA & CRS Reporting System.
- Have a Practical Information Based on the "Know-How" Concept
- How to build the best onboarding process and CDD?
- The effective and easy way to identify the HR customers and Transactions.
- Build an Effective Compliance and AML Program.
- Build a risk Based methodology as per the FATF recommendations.
- Data collection and protection, GDPR.
- How to deal with Digital Identity and Standardized KYC.
- Be smart in your requirements and maintain a Happy Customer.
- How to prepare your FATCA and CRS reports.
- Get answers to challenges you face, and how to make a decision.
- How to prepare Report to the Management and BOD.
- What Scenarios you should have on your Transaction Monitoring System.
- Implement sanction on Account opening, SWIFT, and other products or services.
- Reducing false hits on your Name Screening Systems.
- Keep Up with modern Developments and Technology
- Online Customer Onboarding .
- Digital Identity and Standardized KYC.
- FinTech (AI & RPA).
- Build a risk Based methodology as per the FATF recommendations.
- Update of Data Electronically.
- Virtual Currencies and Blockchain Technology.
- Smart and Modern Compliance and AML work-Flow.
Target Group
-Workers in the Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering field, in the following sectors:
- Banking Industry.
- Insurance and reinsurance Companies.
- Brokerage Firms.
- Leasing and Microfinance Companies.
- Lending Firms.
- Exchange Houses and Money Service Business.
-Workers in the supervisory authorities e.g.:
- Central Banks.
- Financial Sector Regulatory Authorities.
- Financial Intelligence Units FIUs.
- Tax Authorities.
- Related Ministries and governments bodies.
- Workers at (Compliance and AML) solutions vendors.
Exam Date
23/04/2024Duration of Exam
Exam pass Mark
Chapter 1: Customer Onboarding and KYC.
Chapter 2: Anti-Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.
Chapter 3: Advanced AML Investigation.
Chapter 4: International Sanctions and Embargoes
Chapter 5: Regulatory Compliance Management.
Chapter 6: Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standards (CRS).
Exam Preparation
CCM Online Examination
Type of Traning
More info
The fees, will include the following benefits:
- Registration for the CCM certificate.
- Getting CCM study guide hard and soft copy , Getting access to online practice questions through the candidate portal.
- Attending the CCM training program (30 training hour) and “CCM Exam Preparation” sessions (4 training hour).
- The participant can take the exam under one of the following options:
1) The participant can take the exam from home or office during the period mentioned and agreed upon in the schedule above.
2) The participant can take the exam at the institute’s premises on the day mentioned in the schedule above.
- One Free retake exam (if candidates didn’t pass the exam from the first time).
- One-year membership with GCI.
- The certificate and accreditation from the GCI (if the participant pass the exam).
- Program attending certificate logos (if the participant’s absences did not exceed 20%).
- Candidates will be automatically updated with the latest versions of his/her certificate’s study guide, and they can take the corresponding Delta exam for free. The certificate will always be valid; Candidates will never have to pay outrageous fees for a re-certification exam. This service simply allows candidates to stay up-to-date on the latest information in a way that’s convenient and absolutely free).
رسوم المشاركة في البرنامج ، تشمل ما يلي:
- يتم تزويد المشاركين بالمادة العلمية الاصلية مطبوعة.
- حضور البرنامج التدريبي بواقع (34) ساعة تدريبية .
- يحصل المشارك على عضوية مجانية لمدة عام واحد في Global Compliance Institute GCI / AUS، اعتبارا من تاريخ التسجيل في البرنامج.
- التقدم للامتحان الفعلي (Online) من المنزل او مكان عمل المشارك تحت الاشراف المباشر لـ GCI.
- يحصل المشارك على شهادة حضور للبرنامج تتضمن شعاري المعهد و GCI باعتبار البرنامج التدريبي معتمد من قبل GCI.
- يحصل المشارك الذي يجتاز الامتحان بنجاح على نسخة الكترونية (e-Certificate) للشهادة الصادرة عن GCI.
- يمنح المشارك الذي لا يتمكن من اجتياز الامتحان بنجاح في المرة الاولى على فرصة اضافية مجانية للتقدم للامتحان مرة اخرى بعد 30 يوم.
Global Compliance Institute (GCI)