Understanding Future Exposure Risk in FX Currency Swaps & Forwards
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By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to :

-        Gain a thorough understanding of future exposure (PFE) risk and its significance in the context of foreign exchange currency swaps and forwards.

-        Enhanced risk management skills needed to assess, quantify, and manage PFE risk effectively.

-        Make strategic decisions regarding FX swaps and forwards, ensuring they are aligned with risk tolerance and organizational objectives.

-        Identify the regulatory framework and capital requirements related to PFE risk to navigate compliance challenges and enhance their institutions' risk management practices.

-        Stay updated on industry trends and developments, ensuring their knowledge is current and relevant.

-        Approach FX swaps and forwards with increased confidence in their ability to manage and mitigate associated risks effectively.

Target Group

-        Risk management, treasury, middle office and treasury operations employees .


-        Understanding PFE risk and FX market fundamentals:

-        Introduction to PFE risk.

-        Foreign exchange market fundamentals.

-        Calculating future exposure.

-        Factors affecting PFE in FX swaps and forwards.

-        Managing PFE risk in FX Currency swaps and forwards:

-        PFE risk management techniques.

-        Regulatory framework and capital requirements.

-        Future trends and developments.

-        Case studies and practical applications.

Type of Traning

Short Course

Training Activity Rate
Training activity Hours
Training activity Date
29/07/2024 - 1/08/2024
Training Activity Days
Mon- Tue- Wed- Thu
Start and End Time
17:00 - 20:00
Break Time
18:20 - 18:40
Training Activity Classification
Treasury & Investment
In class
Deadline for registration
Price For Jordanian
96 JOD
Price For Non Jordanian
180 US$

* Will be given discounts for groups