Goal Achievement and Mindset Alignment
سجل الان


By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to :

-        Set clear and actionable goals that align with their personal and professional aspirations.

-        Cultivate a growth mindset to approach challenges with resilience and a positive attitude.

-        Identify and overcome limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that block goal achievement.

-        Apply the self-Awareness model to understand the impact of mindset on goal pursuit.

-        Develop practical strategies for staying motivated and focused on their goals, even in the face of obstacles.

-        Create an action plan for implementing learned techniques and maintaining progress towards their goals.

الفئة المستهدفة

-        All employees who are interested in developing their goal-setting skills and cultivating a growth-oriented mindset.


-        Introduction to goal setting:

-        Introduction to clear goal-setting.

-        Introduction to mindset and its significance in goal achievement.

-        Developing a growth mindset:

-        Growth mindset vs. fixed mindset in personal and professional growth.

-        Techniques for creating a growth mindset.

-        Emotion management and motivation:

-        Recognizing and understand emotions.

-        Strategies for effective emotion management, motivation, and self-discipline.

-        Action Alignment for Goal Achievement:

-        Aligning actions with goals and personal values.

-        Strategies for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.

-        Practical exercises to engage trainees and ensure they can apply what they've learned.

نوع التدريب

دورات قصيرة

عدد الساعات
فترة الانعقاد
2025/01/20 - 2025/01/23
أيام النشاط التدريبي
اثنين- ثلاثاء- اربعاء- خميس
20:00 - 17:00
وقت الاستراحة
18:40 - 18:20
تصنيفات النشاط التدريبي
الادارة و القيادة
لغة النشاط التدريبي
اخر موعد للتسجيل
السعر للأردني
96 دينار اردني
السعر لغير الأردني
180 دولار امريكي

* سيتم منح المؤسسات خصومات للمجموعات