Agile Methodology (ADDIE and TNA Models)
سجل الان


By the end of this training course, trainees will be able to :

­- Adapt Instructional design frameworks within an Agile environment.

-­ Conduct effective training needs analysis, develop and implement Agile-aligned training programs, and evaluate training effectiveness.

-­ Create responsive, iterative, and customer-focused training solutions that foster continuous improvement.

الفئة المستهدفة

­- Project managers.

- ­ Designers.

- ­ Development managers.

-­ Anyone interested in Agile training.


-­ What is agile methodology? A brief history of Agile.

-­ What is the objective of Agile development?

-­ Distinguishing Agile from Waterfall.

-­ The four values of the Agile.

-­ The 12 principles of the Agile.

-­ Adopting an Agile mindset.

-­ What is the ADDIE Model?

-­ What are the 5 steps of ADDIE Model?

-­ Step 1: Analysis

-­ Step 2: Design

-­ Step 3: Development

-­ Step 4: Implementation

-­ Step 5: Evaluation

-­ How to implement the ADDIE Model?

-­ What is (TNA) Training Needs Analysis?

-­ What is the Purpose of TNA?

-­ What are the Benefits of training needs analysis?

-­ How to Conduct a Training Needs Analysis?

-­ What are the questions that Training needs analysis address? ­ Training needs analysis process.

-­ Classification of training needs.

نوع التدريب

دورات قصيرة

عدد الساعات
فترة الانعقاد
2025/02/24 - 2025/02/27
أيام النشاط التدريبي
اثنين- ثلاثاء- اربعاء- خميس
20:00 - 16:30
وقت الاستراحة
18:30 - 18:10
تصنيفات النشاط التدريبي
الموارد البشرية
لغة النشاط التدريبي
اخر موعد للتسجيل
السعر للأردني
112 دينار اردني
السعر لغير الأردني
210 دولار امريكي

* سيتم منح المؤسسات خصومات للمجموعات