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Revaluation Model on Property, Plant and Equipment and Impairment of Assets (IAS 16 and IAS 36)
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By the end of this training course, trainees will able to:

­   Explain the methodology of subsequent revaluation for derailable and non-depreciable assets.

­   Apply the accounting treatment of revalued assets .

­   Disclose the unrealized gains or losses resulting from revaluation .

­   Identify the methodology for impairment testing of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, under IFRS.

­   Apply how the asset’s recoverable amount is determined.

­   Compute recoverable amount and impairment loss, including reversals.

­   Identify appropriate accounting for reversals of impairment (recovery of loss on impairment) .

Target Group

­   Senior accountants in companies and banks.

­   Financial managers.

­   Those who are dealing with PP&E .

­   Preparers of financial statements.


­   IAS 36: Impairment on Assets :

­   Scope.

­   Recognition.

­   Initial measurement.

­   Measurement subsequent to initial recognition.

­   Depreciation (cost and revaluation models).

­   Recoverability of the carrying amount.

­   PP&E held for use and held for selling .

­   Derecognition (retirements and disposals).

­   Disclosure.

­   Revalued property, plant and equipment.

­   IAS 16: Property, Plant & Equipment (PP&E):

­   Scope .

­   Recognition.

­   Initial measurement.

­   Measurement subsequent to initial recognition.

­   Cost model.

­   Revaluation model.

­   Revaluation depreciable assets .

­   Revaluation non-depreciable assets .

­   Depreciation (cost and revaluation models).

­   Derecognition (retirements and disposals).

­   Disclosure.

­   Information about each class of property, plant and equipment.

­   Additional disclosures.

­   Revalued property, plant and equipment.

­   Practical cases.

Type of Traning

Short Course

Training Activity Rate
Training activity Hours
Training activity Date
20/04/2025 - 24/04/2025
Training Activity Days
Sun- Mon- Tue- Wed- Thu
Start and End Time
16:30 - 20:00
Break Time
18:20 - 18:40
Training Activity Classification
Property & Management Services
In class
Deadline for registration
Price For Jordanian
140 JOD
Price For Non Jordanian
262.5 US$

* Will be given discounts for groups
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