General Goal
Learning Objectives
- Get Comprehensive Knowledge
- Customer Onboarding and KYC.
- Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF).
- Advanced AML Investigations.
- International Sanctions and Embargoes.
- Regulatory Compliance Management.
- Develop your AML and Compliance Systems
- AML Risk Rating System.
- Transactions Monitoring System (TMS).
- Case Management and Investigations System.
- Name Screening and Sanctions Compliance System.
- Regulatory Compliance examination and reporting System.
- FATCA & CRS Reporting System.
- Have a Practical Information Based on the "Know-How" Concept
- How to build the best onboarding process and CDD?
- The effective and easy way to identify the HR customers and Transactions.
- Build an Effective Compliance and AML Program.
- Build a risk Based methodology as per the FATF recommendations.
- Data collection and protection, GDPR.
- How to deal with Digital Identity and Standardized KYC.
- Be smart in your requirements and maintain a Happy Customer.
- How to prepare your FATCA and CRS reports.
- Get answers to challenges you face, and how to make a decision.
- How to prepare Report to the Management and BOD.
- What Scenarios you should have on your Transaction Monitoring System.
- Implement sanction on Account opening, SWIFT, and other products or services.
- Reducing false hits on your Name Screening Systems.
- Keep Up with modern Developments and Technology
- Online Customer Onboarding .
- Digital Identity and Standardized KYC.
- FinTech (AI & RPA).
- Build a risk Based methodology as per the FATF recommendations.
- Update of Data Electronically.
- Virtual Currencies and Blockchain Technology.
- Smart and Modern Compliance and AML work-Flow.
Target Group
-Workers in the Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering field, in the following sectors:
- Banking Industry.
- Insurance and reinsurance Companies.
- Brokerage Firms.
- Leasing and Microfinance Companies.
- Lending Firms.
- Exchange Houses and Money Service Business.
-Workers in the supervisory authorities e.g.:
- Central Banks.
- Financial Sector Regulatory Authorities.
- Financial Intelligence Units FIUs.
- Tax Authorities.
- Related Ministries and governments bodies.
- Workers at (Compliance and AML) solutions vendors.
Duration of Exam
Exam pass Mark
Chapter 1: Customer Onboarding and KYC.
Chapter 2: Anti-Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism.
Chapter 3: Advanced AML Investigation.
Chapter 4: International Sanctions and Embargoes
Chapter 5: Regulatory Compliance Management.
Chapter 6: Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standards (CRS).
Exam Preparation
CCM Online Examination
Type of Traning
More info
The fees will include the following benefits:
- Registration for the CCM certificate.
- Getting CCM study guide hard and soft copy, Getting access to online practice questions through the candidate portal.
- Attending the CCM training program (30 training hour) and “CCM Exam Preparation” sessions (4 training hour).
- Online examination - the examination will be held from home. Noting that IBS is accredited testing center from GCI.
- One Free retake exam (if candidates didn’t pass the exam from the first time).
- One-year membership with GCI.
- The certificate and accreditation from the GCI (if the participant passes the exam).
- Program attending certificate logos (if the participant’s absences did not exceed 20%).
- Candidates will be automatically updated with the latest versions of his/her certificate’s study guide, and they can take the corresponding Delta exam for free. The certificate will always be valid; Candidates will never have to pay outrageous fees for a re-certification exam. This service simply allows candidates to stay up-to-date on the latest information in a way that’s convenient and absolutely free).
رسوم المشاركة في البرنامج ، تشمل ما يلي:
- يتم تزويد المشاركين بالمادة العلمية الاصلية مطبوعة.
- حضور البرنامج التدريبي بواقع (34) ساعة تدريبية Online.
- يحصل المشارك على عضوية مجانية لمدة عام واحد في Global Compliance Institute GCI / AUS، اعتبارا من تاريخ التسجيل في البرنامج.
- التقدم للامتحان الفعلي (Online) من المنزل او مكان عمل المشارك تحت الاشراف المباشر لـ GCI.
- يحصل المشارك على شهادة حضور للبرنامج تتضمن شعاري المعهد و GCI باعتبار البرنامج التدريبي معتمد من قبل GCI.
- يحصل المشارك الذي يجتاز الامتحان بنجاح على نسخة الكترونية (e-Certificate) للشهادة الصادرة عن GCI.
- يمنح المشارك الذي لا يتمكن من اجتياز الامتحان بنجاح في المرة الاولى على فرصة اضافية مجانية للتقدم للامتحان مرة اخرى بعد 30 يوم.
Global Compliance Institute (GCI)