Digital Currencies
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  • The trainee will be acquainted with digital currencies in terms of concept, operation mechanism, different forms, design models, and different stages of issuance.
  • The trainee will understand the importance of digital currencies and the growing interest in them recently.
  • The trainee will learn about the potential effects of digital currencies on banks.
  • The trainee will learn about the potential effects of digital currencies on overall economic policies

Target Group

Employees in commercial banks, non-banking financial institutions, and students.


  • 1. What are digital currencies? In addition, why is there an increasing interest in them?
  • 2. Forms of digital currencies.
  • 3. Different objectives of issuing digital currencies.
  • 4. The difference between digital currencies and virtual assets (cryptocurrencies).
  • 5. Different models for designing digital currencies.
  • 6. Practical examples of digital currencies issued by central banks, including those that have been actually issued and those under experimentation.
  • 7. Potential effects of digital currencies on individuals.
  • 8. Potential effects of digital currencies on banks and financial stability.
  • 9. Potential effects of digital currencies on overall econmic policies, most notably monetary policy.

Type of Traning

Short Course

Training Activity Rate
Training activity Hours
Training activity Date
1/07/2024 - 4/07/2024
Training Activity Days
Mon- Tue- Wed- Thu
Start and End Time
17:00 - 20:00
Training Activity Classification
Digitization and Recent Development
Deadline for registration
Price For Jordanian
96 JOD
Price For Non Jordanian
180 US$

* Will be given discounts for groups