شهادة أخصائي مكافحة غسل الأموال AMLS لشهر 2024-7
سجل الان

الهدف العام


AMLS Certification program helps candidates build an AML customer risk rating system, transaction monitoring systems and scenarios, investigation best practices, how to implement an AML risk-based approach, FIU reporting, and much more.




تعرف على أفضل ممارسات مكافحة غسل الاموال بالإضافة الى إلى أنظمة وإجراءات مراقبة المعاملات من خلال المنهج القائم على المخاطر.




الفئة المستهدفة





  • § Employees of the Federal Reserve and Central Banks
  • § Financial Sector Regulatory Authorities
  • § Financial Intelligence Units FIUs
  • § Tax Authorities
  • § Related Ministries and government bodies




AML Officers and Managers In Addition To Front Liners And Back Office Staff Participating In The Process Of Financial Transactions:


  • § Banking Industry
  • § Insurance and reinsurance Companies
  • § Brokerage Firms
  • § Leasing and Microfinance Companies
  • § Lending Firms
  • § Exchange Houses and Money Service Business




AML Solutions Provider Designated Non-Financial Businesses And Professions


  • § Real estate companies
  • § Independent legal professionals (i.e. notaries, lawyers)
  • § Precious metals/stones companies
  • § Trust and investment funds companies

External auditors and accounting professionals

مدة الاختبار ( بالدقائق)


علامة النجاح في الاختبار




 Learning Objectives


Financial Crime Principles

  • § Understand and analyse the elements of the money laundering crime, including predicate offences, Proceeds, concealment, and State of mind – The mental element, in addition to serious crime, threshold approach, Dual Criminality, and Unwelcomed Money.
  • § Learn How to Detect and prevent Cuckoo smurfing & Money Mules.
  • § Identify Terrorism Financing and Proliferation Financing typologies.
  • § Analyses real Money laundering cases and examples.


Risk-Based Approach & Compliance Monitoring

  • § Learn how to apply AML Risk-Based Approach, including automated customer risk rating, transactions monitoring, and AML regulatory examinations, along with detailed models and examples.
  • § Prepare a detailed and comprehensive Geographic Risk Index (GRI) that covers Money laundering, Terrorism Impact, International Sanctions, Corruption, and Financial Secrecy.
  • § How to conduct a KYC analysis and a reasonableness test of the KYC information.
  • § How to detect PEPs through Customer Due Diligence and PEP Screening, PEP risk assessment, classification, and
  • § declassification according to FATF & Wolfsberg.
  • § Learn how to identify the Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) with detailed examples.

Fintech & The Evolution of Money and Financial Crime

  • § Know how to build a perfect and compliant online customer onboarding process, Digital Identity, and EKYC.
  • § Develop Transaction Monitoring Systems (TMS), Money Laundering Risk Rating Tools, and Case Management Systems employing the latest technologies in AML, including Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation.
  • § Understand the evolution of money, Virtual Currencies &
  • § Virtual Assets. and how to mitigate the associated financial crime risks.
  • § Analyse the opportunities and challenges presented by Fintech in the fight against financial crime.


Money Laundering in The Financial Sector

  • § Identify the key risks and red flag indicators associated with money laundering in the financial sector, with a focus on the banking and securities sectors.


Money Laundering In Non-Financial Sectors

  • § Recognize the risks and typologies of money laundering in non-financial sectors, including the roles played by real estate agents, precious metals and stones dealers, lawyers, notaries, accountants, trust and company service providers, casinos, charities and non-profit organisations.


The International Framework of AML

  • § Understand the international framework of AML in AML compliance, including the Financial Action Task Force, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Wolfsberg Group, the US AMLA 2020, and EU AML Directives.

نوع التدريب

شهادات مهنية

معلومات اخرى




Each candidate will receive an email from the GCI support team a few days before their exam date, which will include:


  • § GCI_Remote Participant Guide (Please make sure they read it carefully along with the exam policy, which is available at the candidate portal)
  • § URL to access the exam
  • § User Name
  • § Password


Candidates will experience an easy, hassle-free process with online proctored assessment. GCI have the best technology partners and assessment provider (Questionmark) and the strong GCI support team.


  • § Exam Duration: 120 Minutes.
  • § Number of Questions: 100 Questions.
  • § Type of Question: Multiple Choice.
  • § Pass Mark: 75/100.


The AMLS exam covers six chapters, each accounting for a specific percentage of the exam questions.



Chapter Name

Exam Weight

Chapter 1

Financial Crime Principles


Chapter 2

Risk-Based Approach & Compliance Monitoring


Chapter 3

Fintech & The Evolution of Money and Financial Crime


Chapter 4

Money Laundering in The Financial Sector


Chapter 5

Money Laundering in non-financial sectors


Chapter 6

Compliance Program, Monitoring, and Examinations


Chapter 7

The International Framework of AML & Reference Materials

Excluded from the assessment.





Language:Arabic Language.


The fees will include the following benefits:

  • § Registration for the AMLS certificate.
  • § Getting AMLS study guide hard and soft copy , Getting access to online practice questions through the candidate portal.
  • § Attending the AMLS training program (15 training hour) and “AMLS Exam Preparation” sessions (3 training hour).
  • § The participant can take the exam under one of the following options:

1)     The participant can take the exam from home or office during the period mentioned and agreed upon in the schedule above.

2)    The participant can take the exam at the institute’s premises on the day mentioned in the schedule above.

  • § One Free retake exam (if candidates didn’t pass the exam from the first time).
  • § One-year membership with GCI.
  • § The certificate and accreditation from the GCI (if the participant pass the exam).
  • § Program attending certificate logos (if the participant’s absences did not exceed 20%).
  • § Candidates will be automatically updated with the latest versions of his/her certificate’s study guide, and they can take the corresponding Delta exam for free. The certificate will always be valid; Candidates will never have to pay outrageous fees for a re-certification exam. This service simply allows candidates to stay up-to-date on the latest information in a way that’s convenient and absolutely free).



عدد الساعات
فترة الانعقاد
2024/07/14 - 2024/07/28
أيام النشاط التدريبي
أحد- اثنين- ثلاثاء- اربعاء- خميس
20:00 - 17:00
وقت الاستراحة
18:40 - 18:20
تصنيفات النشاط التدريبي
لغة النشاط التدريبي
تفاعلي عن بعد
اخر موعد للتسجيل
السعر للأردني
600 دينار اردني
السعر لغير الأردني
847 دولار امريكي
الجهة المانحة



Global Compliance Institute (GCI) / AUS



معهد الإمتثال العالمي GCI/ استراليا